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St. Philip's Episcopal Church

205 E. Moore Street, Southport, NC, 28461


P.O. Box 10476; Southport NC  28461

Spiritual Resources Ministry Board

Board Chair: Rose Dahill

Board Communicator:

Spiritual Resources Board Ministries

Opportunities to Grow

Leaders hold classes and study groups to explore and increase one’s faith journey. Please consult eNews, Come & See, or the weekly church bulletins for current class offerings:

  •  Adult Formation is various classes that are often clergy-led that meet on Sunday mornings from 9:10 – 9:45 AM


  • Bible Studies consist of  various offerings throughout out the week, some in person and some on Zoom
  • Theology Uncorked meets at Southport Tap & Cellar currently on the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 5:00 – 6:00 PM to discuss and share.
  • Youth Gathering for Middle School and High School students meets for about 45 minutes immediately following the 10:00 AM service on the last Sunday of each month. (on Hiatus)
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Church Library

This ministry coordinates St. Philip’s Library, which includes bibles, reference materials, spiritual titles and writings that offer guidance for dealing with life issues. Books are donated to the library and are available to all parishioners. The collection currently includes over 600 unique titles, and can be found at

The Labyrinth at St. Philip’s

Located at the corner of Moore and Dry Streets, St. Philip's labyrinth is available 24/7 for meditative walking and peaceful reflection.

Personalized pavers are available  to be incorporated into the pathway. If you would like to purchase a paver engraved with your family’s names(s) or with a special sentiment, verse, or date to commemorate, please print and return the form below to the church office .Prepayment of $60.00 is required. Checks should be made payable to St. Philip’s with PAVER on the memo line. The inscription must fit in a grid of squares 4x14. 

Labyrinth Engraved Paver Order Form.

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