Worship Ministry Board
Board Chair: Ricky Evans
Board Communicator: Bobbie Fuchs
Worship Board Ministries
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the altar for all worship services. This includes keeping the brass, silver, and linens clean. There are currently 3-4 members per team who serve twice yearly.
Music Ministry
St. Philip’s choir provides musical offerings for the Sunday 10 o’clock worship service, as well as special worship services that include music, such as Tenebrae, and Advent Lessons and Carols. The choir rehearses each Wednesday evening from September through May.
Flower Guild
The Flower Guild enhances worship, celebrates God’s beauty, and honors loved ones through the preparation of fresh flower arrangements weekly for the altar.
A dedicated group of parishioners who are present at all services to help and support all worship at St. Philip’s. Each month a schedule is prepared with teams of three to four people depending on their availability. They have several identified responsibilities whose purpose is to make Worship meaningful.
Usher teams of two people will also support the new Celtic service at 5PM Sunday evenings. Ushers have defined responsibilities whose purpose is to enhance the safety and worship experience for all parishioners.
Lay Readers
Parishioners are scheduled to read the appointed lessons of the day at worship services.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Parishioners are vested and assist the clergy with the distribution of wine at worship services. Certification is required by attending a training session before serving.
Parishioners participate at the worship services by carrying the cross and with the reading of the gospel. They may also help the clergy with the preparation and cleanup of sacraments for communion. A training session is required before serving.
Parishioners are available at the narthex to greet and welcome newcomers and to provide information and answer questions.
Summer Beach Ministry
St. Philip’s offers a Sunday morning service at Register Park on Oak Island from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Parishioners coordinate arrangements for the services prior to the summer. On the day of the service, they set up the altar before the service and store the altar after the service.