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St. Philip's Episcopal Church

205 E. Moore Street, Southport, NC, 28461


P.O. Box 10476; Southport NC  28461


    Board Chair Deacon Pam


 Pam has served as deacon at St. Philip’s since 2017. She joined the staff in 2024 as Director of Pastoral Care. Her primary focus is to oversee all aspects of pastoral care of the congregation; serving as Chair of the Pastoral Care Board; and exercising oversight for the Whole Person Ministry teams. She also loves assisting with the liturgy, including the Wednesday Noonday Eucharist and the Sunday Celtic service. Southport has been her home since 1987, and St. Philip’s her church home since 1994.

Betty Rupp Communicator

Pastoral Care Board Ministries

St. Philip’s Whole Person Ministry

The Whole Person Ministry is coordinated by Michele Gore, our Wellness Coordinator, under the general oversight of Deacon Pam Hayes. There is a dedicated, confidential Care Line (910)477-6262, which is monitored daily. For true emergencies call 911Requests for care or assistance are then referred to the appropriate ministry group. Those groups are Care Navigators, who are retired or active health care professionals, working within our faith community to provide holistic guidance to individuals and families, focusing on health care needs. The Helping Hands team consists of volunteers who provide services such as meals when needed, send cards, make phone calls and visits, or provide technological help unrelated to health or pastoral needs. Lastly, the Prayer Needs/Pastoral Care group, overseen by clergy, provides a ministry of listening and support, that offers confidential interactions for spiritual wellness.w Paragraph


Members of St. Philip’s who have been trained to provided confidential, one on one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and the community requesting care during a season of need, no matter how long.

Community of Hope International
This is an Episcopal ministry designed to train and equip lay chaplains for short term ministry for those in need of pastoral care, and to follow a personal rule of life. CoHI chaplains make visits to homes and medical facilities, to provide prayer and comfort to members of the congregation.

The Daughters of the King

The Daughters of the King is an international religious order of women who undertake a personal rule of life. Each member pledges herself to a lifelong program of prayer, service, and personal evangelism.

Medical Equipment Library

Healthcare equipment that may be borrowed by parishioners when needed, that includes walkers, wheelchairs, shower chairs, etc. These items have been generously donated by other parishioners.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

A ministry of loving prayer and comfort of parishioners who knit or crochet cozy prayer shawls and lap blankets for people who are hurting. When completed, these shawls are blessed at the altar and made available to anyone who needs them.

Eucharistic Visitors

Our Eucharistic Visitors bring home communion to those who are unable to attend worship services.

Friday Men’s Group

A group of men who meet weekly to pray for each other, offer mutual support, and to share and reflect on how they live into the role of Christian men.


An offering of the series Walking Through Grief, several times a year, for those navigating their way through a loss. The program consists of professional videos and a workbook and is overseen by a facilitator. It also has the benefit of creating a mutual support group for those in the program.

Women’s Group

A small group of women who meet weekly for mutual support, devotions, and care.

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