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Donate Using Your Bank’s Website’s Online Bill Pay
Add a new payee in online Bill Pay as follows:
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church
PO Box 10476
Southport, NC 28461
Make a one-time payment or setup an auto-pay to send recurring payments weekly or monthly.
Transfer Stock From Your Brokerage Account
You can transfer stock from your brokerage account and avoid paying capital gains. Please select the Transfer Stock button for more information.
Make A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) From Your IRA
If you are at least 70 ½ years old and have an IRA, you can make a QCD to St. Philip’s. QCDs are excluded from your income on your federal income taxes. The check from your brokerage account must be made out to St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. Please select the QCD Donation button for more information.
St. Philip's Endowment Program
Opening the Door to St. Philip’s Future
St. Philip’s has survived and grown in a small seaport town because of God’s grace and the loving and faithful support of its members. The continuing growth in our area will demand more from us as we work to serve our growing faith community and extend critical services to those in need.
With our future in mind, we offer the following endowment creation opportunities that will provide you with the opportunity to plant a “seed” that will grow over time and help nourish and sustain St. Philip’s Church in perpetuity.
All endowment funds will be invested in the St. Philip’s Master Endowment Fund. You may review a copy of this agreement by clicking here.
Perpetual Pledges
Endowments designed to support your pledge in perpetuity may be created by a specific gift to the church, a gift paid over time on an agreed upon schedule or by a bequest included in your will. Please contact the Endowment Committee if you would like to create a pledge endowment with a direct gift or a gift paid over time. If you are interested in creating a Pledge Endowment bequest, click here for a draft “Letter of Intent.”
The annual income from your perpetual pledge will support the general fund. You may name your pledge endowment if its annual income exceeds $1,000.
Targeted Endowment Gifts
The Church’s budget includes many on-going expenses. These range from the seemingly mundane expenses of yard care and physical plant maintenance, to Eucharistic costs including the Altar Guild, choir and Stephen Ministry.
Consider establishing an endowment to support the critical expenses or activities that are dear to you or to someone you love. The possibilities are almost endless.
Should your gift equal or exceed $50,000, you have the option of naming your endowment for your family or a loved one.
You may review a draft Endowment Fund Agreement by clicking here.
Endowments Created to Pay for One-Time Expenses
You may create an endowment designed to serve as a vehicle for supporting a one-time only expense such as new pews for the Chapel of the Cross or the creation or purchase of inspirational artwork. The income from your endowment will be reinvested in the fund and accumulated until the endowment’s principle is sufficient to support the expense for which the fund was initially created. The fund will then be used to support the project for which it was created.
A General Gift Endowment
This endowment is designed to receive miscellaneous undesignated gifts given to St. Philip’s to honor or commemorate individuals, events or purposes. These gifts will typically be one-time only gifts that may be insufficient in value to become named endowments. In some cases, the initial donation may be followed by new gifts from the original donor or new donors seeking to honor the individual or cause for which the original gifts were given. Should multiple gifts given over time reach the threshold for becoming a named endowment, the donor(s) will be given the opportunity to create a named or purpose endowment
You may review a copy of the General Endowment Agreement by clicking here.
The Endowment Committee will be happy to work with you to design an endowment that meets your particular interests and goals. Please contact the church office for details.
Please contact Jim Belvin at to discuss endowment options and requirements.